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Who Are the West Sussex DA Committee?

If you want to contact any of the committee, please click on the email address below.


  Pat Carpenter   (Executive)

 The Chairman is the elected figure head of the DA. They run the committee meetings and are normally engaged by members for any issues

Vice Chairman – 

Paul Crayden (Executive) 

The Vice Chairman supports the Chairman in their role and looks to take over the Chairman’s position in the future.


Secretary – 

     Sheila Whitby   (Executive)

The Secretary takes the minutes of the meetings. They act as a point of contact for any correspondence.

Treasurer –

   Karen Crayden   (Executive)

The Treasurer looks after the financial accounts of the DA. They keep the committee advised on the financial performance of the DA and They report to the members at the AGM on the overall financial position of the DA.


Site Secretary –

Lin Harris

 The Sites Secretary arranges the venues for us to camp. They liaise with site owners, farmers and stewards and create a varied list of sites for the members to enjoy.

                    Booking Officer                                                                                                                Celia Whitby  (executive)    booking for a place on a site/ meet

Appointed Councillor to Southern Region 

                     Paul Crayden

This is the DA representative at the Southern Region Council meetings & reporting back to the DA committee


Deputy appointed councilor to the Southern Region

                         Karel Wright




Social Secretary & co-ordinator – 

Chris Carpenter


         Organiser of all of the social and entertainment programmes & events




                 Data Base Officer                     Vicki Drakely

      Entering Data & adverts onto the                           Club web site





Webmaster / FaceBook / Database/Social

Pat Carpenter


The Web Master manages and provides updates to the WSDA Website and Facebook page for Advertising & information to the members

    Committee Member


Karel Wright




Committee Member

Val Harding







Committee Member

Steve Harris







Tina Heather

The Auditor provides inspection of wsda accounts to ensure all governance is followed including the annual audit . The post is elected at the AGM and cannot be a person related directly to any serving committee member


Deputy Auditor

Pat Kerley