After avoiding the potential cancellation of the meet due to the dependable British Weather, the Easter meet at Clapham and Patching Village Hall went ahead with a great deal of success, sticking just to the hard standing car park area. Fun and games were had with team building, easter bonnets and a quiz, communal Sunday lunch and of course our AGM where a buffet lunch was provided for all attendees.
Following on from the AGM, we now have a new chairperson, Celia, who has been promoted from vice-chair last year. We wish her well in her new roll and if you have any questions or queries feel free to contact her (look at the contacts page for more details).
Val has taken on the role of Vice-Chair as well as still being Site Secretary, so thank you to her for also taking on some additional work!
We also want to Thank our outgoing Chairman, Pat, for all his hard work and time committed to the DA over the last few years, and although he has stepped down as Chairman, he is still on your committee, so hasn’t managed to escape fully quite yet!